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Hi! I'm Parth Singhal.

I am a Junior Undergrad in the Department of Chemical Engineering at IIT Delhi. I find the application of Computer Science Engineering to solve real world problems very intriguing and wish to contribute towards this development.

I am currently working as a Summer Research Assistant at the Structural and Molecular Biophysics Research Group, Center for Computational Biology, Flatiron Institute. My work is related to the use of Machine Learning for extracting heterogeneous data from cryo-EM datasets.

Earlier, I was Summer Intern at the Laboratory of Industry Intelligence and Data Science, NTHU, Taiwan. During my internship, I worked on the Enhancement of Thermographic Image Data Analysis methods for Non-Destructive Testing of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastics.
Here's the link to my Resume.

Learn about my projects

Here's the list of some of my projects

Event based Simulation of Restaurant Billing Counter

The program performs an event based simulation of the billing counter environment of a burger restaurant with K (non-zero) number of billing counters and the size of the griddle being a non-zero integer M

Database Management System for Employees

The program stores employee data and maintains the information about organization hierarchy using a generic Tree data structure. The Databse also supports queries such as fire employee, hire employee, list employees and employee search in a time and space efficient manner using an AVL Tree

Anagram Generator

The program prints the anagrams (with a maximum of 2 space in between) for an input string which are present in the vocabulary utilizing a multiset hash function, separate chaining and linear probing

Vector Space Retrieval (VSM) Model

An end-to-end python based implementation of VSM Algorithm, with named entity recognition, over a small-sized benchmark document collection from TREC, which has been preprocessed by NLTK/StanfordNLP

Clustering Algorithms

Python based implementation of the k-Means and Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) clustering algorithms from scratch

Support Vector Machines (SVM)

This python based implementation of SVM solves the Dual Problem using the CVXOPT package of python. Modified Optimization Problem has also been solved using the same package and the hyperparameter C was tuned during the training

Naive Bayes Classifier for spam filtering

Python based implementation of Naive Bayes Binary Classification algorithm using Laplace Smoothening for email spam detection. The model was trained and tested using 7 fold cross validation and, the data was pre-processed using tokenization and punctuation removal

Generic Stack and Deque data structures

This is a Java 8 based implementation of generic Deque and Stack data structures. The Deque class has been implemented using the growable circular array formulation. The Stack interface uses the deque implementation

Comparative Analysis of ML models

Comprehensive comparison of various ML models including Fisher Linear Discriminant, Linear Perceptron, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Artificial Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines

I am always looking to collaborate on interesting projects
